• VivBrio

    In the wake of COVID19, we remember what is most important…connection. Bring balance back into your life so that you can live a life full of energy, enthusiasm, zeal and gusto – live a life with vivacity!

  • VivBrio

    In the wake of COVID19, we remember what is most important…connection. Bring balance back into your life so that you can live a life full of energy, enthusiasm, zeal and gusto – live a life with vivacity!

Why VivBrio™?

Viv, Vit: Latin, meaning “life”
This is our life to live. No one can live it for us. We can either live our lives to the fullest of our potential or we can just survive.

Brio: Italian, meaning “vivacity, energy, strength”
Most people want to live a life that is full of energy, high spirits, enthusiasm, vitality and spark yet so few seem to be living this kind of life.


What inspired the creation of VivBrio? As founder of 4G Brands and the VivBrio productivity solutions, my inspiration honestly came out of failure and humility.

As a single mom and sole provider for my family, including my elderly father, I have found it nearly impossible to maintain balance in my life. I either end up feeling like I am a great sales executive crushing quota, but a slacking mom. Or, I’m rocking the parenting thing and I’m neglecting my sales. Or, I’m getting work and parenting down, but I’m ignoring my self-care and not exercising as I should. The list goes on.

After being asked many times over, “How do you do it all as a single mom?” I realized the challenges I face on a daily basis mirror the struggles most people I know face whether going at it alone or with a spouse, with or without children, working or stay-at-home house managers. Most people I know struggle to maintain consistency and balance in their lives. In general, we are running at a pace we cannot maintain without sacrificing somewhere in our lives. Often times, the really important areas get deprioritized to the noise and we end up feeling unfulfilled.

I didn’t get the organizational gene that makes managing all the areas of my life second nature. Over the years, I have tried countless productivity tools, planners, apps, journals looking for the silver bullet. Yet, I never found the right fit. I wish I could tell you I figured out how to make the silver bullet. I have not.  The VivBrio productivity suite of solutions are a result of my life’s complexities and coping skills that have helped me better manage the areas of my life that bring me the most joy, peace, and sense of identity. It is not a silver bullet. Yet, it is a tool that with a little intentionality could help you better live your life with vivacity.

Go! VivBrio!

The VivBrio Reusable Planner is the first ever yearly, monthly and weekly planner
that lets you write, scan, wet-erase and reuse.

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